Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 28: charging into battle

Well I hope everyone had a great holiday.  So much for promises.  Once again I found myself busy with other things and without enough time to make another entry to this blog until now.  In the days leading up to Christmas I was busy getting my car ready for the racetrack, and then I went to visit my dad up near Roseville, followed by a track day at the Thunderhill Raceway way up north near Chico.  

The track day was super wet and cold, and it rained most of the morning.  The early sessions on the track weren't very fun.  Lots of people driving beyond their limits and going off track and one Porsche 911 crashed/spun into a barrier, losing a front bumper and deploying airbags as a result.  I was definitely taking it easy since my car is so new (and new to me) until the weather improved and it started to dry off on track in the afternoon.  There were so many cautions and off-course tows that we got what I felt was fairly minimal time on track.  I think next time I will go with a more organized and safety-oriented club for a track day.  

Here are a few recorded track laps I made using my iPhone and an app called Harry's Lap Timer Pro ($20).  The most expensive app I have ever bought but it's actually worth it in my mind because it does things you would normally have to pay hundreds of dollars to do in dedicated equipment.  It logs your GPS position and speed, measures lateral G forces, and records video.  I used the Kensington mount I've mentioned before and it worked well with the phone mounted to the windshield.

here's one of the last laps of the day, showing more of the passing and being passed that goes on in most sessions where you have a mix of different cars and drivers with differing abilities.

It's been an expensive month for me... between some planned automotive purchases, the track day, and Christmas presents, and some unplanned automotive expenses (cracked one of the rims on my Lexus IS350) I have been charging up a storm on the credit card.  More on the expenses to come.

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