Sunday, December 2, 2012

Day 2: going loopy

Sunday ... a wet and windy morning.  Last night it was pouring rain and I can see some minor flooding in the streets and the neighbor's backyard.  Our back yard seems to be holding up well but a few things got blown around and had to be relocated.  The most amazing thing was our giant stainless steel BBQ (which is on wheels) managed to get blown halfway around the side of the house.  That's some crazy wind right there.  I don't think there's going to be too much going on today, we are probably staying home.  It gets a little dangerous when I am sitting around on the internet for too long, it tempts me to go shopping online and buy something expensive. :)  So I better go do something else...  like work out on the elliptical WHILE shopping online hahah.

Is that distance in feet?  meters?  yards??  I dunno.
I spent a little time reading the long and tedious user guide for the navigation in my Subaru, and playing around with it.  Hopefully that will help me get familiar with it, I did notice yesterday that I was struggling to put in a location and get directions to someplace.  It was far easier to use Siri on my iPhone and get the directions on that instead.  But now I need to take some road trips to test out my newfound knowledge.

Put together the Hot Wheels loop track that I bought... pretty cool but it's a little hard to get enough speed on the car to make it all the way around the loop.  Needs MO' POWAH!

I also played around with the suction cup camera mount that I got on Amazon... plan to use it during my track day at ThunderHill later this month.  Not sure if I like this one, I have some doubts about its ability to hold on to the back windshield. It feels like it will fall off from too much vibration or shock.  I'll test it out for a few days and if it's not good enough, I'm sending it back.

If you hate reading my verbose rambling and just like the pretty pictures, you can follow along on my adventures by following my Instagram page:

Or view the photos I take in a new Photobucket album I set up.

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